A pre-approval is when a lender reviews your financial information and credit score to determine how much they can lend you. It's important to determine this before you start your home search to avoid the disappointment that comes from viewing homes outside your price point.
It also helps you determine what your monthly payment will be, how much you need / want to put down, and what your interest rate will look like. It's very important to have a clear idea of these figures as well because the maximum amount the lender will give you may be outside what you're able to afford on a monthly basis.
In addition, you don't want to be viewing homes over the weekend, find the perfect one, and be delayed in submitting an offer because we put the pre-approval on the back burner. You will need to submit a letter stating that you are pre-approved with every offer.
Find Your Utah Home with Angie Clarke and UT Makes Moves / Keller Williams Realty
If you are looking for the right Utah home, then give Angie Clarke with UT Makes Moves a call. I aim to offer an exceptional relocation experience and unparalleled customer service through prompt communication, ethics and integrity, and the utmost care / concern for my clients!
Angie Clarke with UT Makes Moves is your local Salt Lake City home expert, specializing in working with buyers who are relocating to Utah. Whether you are buying or selling, I'd love the opportunity to make your relocation journey smooth and successful...I strive to provide Relocation Elevated: easing minds, building community, and finding home.